The Friends of Darrick and Newstead Woods (FODNW) are a group of volunteers who work with Bromley Council and their contractor idverde to help conserve, maintain and protect this Nature Reserve for all to enjoy.
Our Nature Reserve
Darrick & Newstead Wood is a 25 Ha/61 acre Local Nature Reserve situated in Farnborough, Orpington. The site which is a mix of woodland, scrub and meadow. We have a variety of valuable habitats including marshland, seasonal ponds as well as woodland and meadow that support a wide variety of flora and fauna.
The site can be accessed by various entrances and there is an extensive network of paths across the site. A map showing road, public transport routes and entrances can be found in the leaflet for our waymarked nature trail. The reserve is linked to Crofton Woods and High Elms Country Park by section 3 of the London Loop which crosses the site. A Green Flag was awarded to Darrick and Newstead Woods for the first time in 2022 you can read more about the award here.
About Us
The Friends of Darrick and Newstead Woods have since 2008, worked with London Borough of Bromley Council and their contractor idverde to help conserve, maintain and protect the Nature Reserve. The friends meet every Thursday morning to complete a range of tasks led by an idverde ranger.
We are always happy to welcome new members whether you want to take part in work sessions or simply enjoy spending time in the reserve. If you wish to join the group please complete our membership form. If you want to come along to a Thursday morning work session check the current work rota for meeting points. The rota is also displayed on notice boards at the entrances. Members will receive our newsletters and be invited to our open meetings.